


12 March 2025

北海道・ニセコ・トマムを舞台にアウトドアアドベンチャー(ラフティングなど)を専門的に行っております。夏シーズンも冬シーズンも半日ツアーや1日ツアーなどで様々なツアーを行っています。 あなたの冒険はここNOASCから始まりますよ!


Our spring rafting tour operates on our Niseko Spring rafting course starting in Kutchan town, ending in Niseko. Experience an increase in excitment with a combination of both a Niseko and Toyohira Rafting package. Participate during Golden Week on our Niseko Tour, then immediately following join our Toyohira River Rafting tour, only 20 mnitues drive from central Sapporo. Why not stay over night with our Jozankei Accommodation package? Enquire by calling NOASC at T:0136-23-1688.

For booking and further information follow this link below, or use the quick enquiry/booking form on the front of this website to contact us.

Click here to go to our rservatjons page .



NOASC T:0136-23-1690 F:0136-23-1690 E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.